The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest Fraternal Organization in the world to which both women and
men can belong. It is NOT a religion, although its lessons are taught using Biblical women. These women are Adah, Ruth, Esther,
Martha and Electa. They teach fidelity, constancy, loyalty, faith and love.
Women with specific Masonic affiliations and men who are
Master Masons are eligible to join. The petitioner must be 18 years or older, believe in a Supreme Being, be of good moral
character, and be willing to assume the obligation of the Order.
Its goal is to provide an organization where women and men with high moral and social character can contribute time, energy and wisdom for the good of all mankind throughout the world.
What is the Order of the Eastern Star?
A. The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal Organization in the world to which both women and nem belong.
Q. Who is eligible for membership?
A. Women with specific Masonic affiliation my become members, and men who are Master masons are eligible. A petitioner must be of good moral character, believe in a Supreme Being, have attained the age of 18, believe in the laws of the United States of America, be willing to assume the obligation of the Order, be able to participate in the Ceremony of Initiation, be free from disqualifying mental illness, be a resident of the State for the last six months (see exceptions), and not be convicted of a felony or adjusted as a habitual criminal under the law of any state or of the United States.
Q. What Masonic affiliation is required for membership?
A. Master Masons in good standing, the wives, daughters, legal adopted daughters, mothers, widows, sisters, half-sisters, granddaughters, stepmothers, step daughters, step sisters, daughters-in-law, grandmothers, great granddaughters, nieces, great nieces, mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, and daughters of sisters or brothers of master masons or deceased Master masons that were in good standing at the time of their death, each of whom will have attained the age of eighteen (18) years, as well as Job's daughters, and Rainbow Girls with proof of membership for three years or a certificate of majority membership who have attained the age of (18) years are eligible to membership in the Order of Easter Star.
Q. Is it a requirement for the Master Mason, whom a woman might belong to the Order of the Eastern Star before she can become a member?
A. No.
Q. May a woman use for her affiliation a Master Mason who has died?
A. Yes, provided the Master Mason was a member in good standing at the time of his heath. A letter of verification from the man's lodge will be required before the Degrees of the Order of the Eastern Star may be given.
Q. When was the Order of the Eastern Star founded?
A. Dr. Rob Morris, the poet laureate of Masonry, conceived the Order of the Eastern Star in 1850.
Q. What is the basis of the Order of the Eastern Star.?
A. Dr. Morris created the Degrees of the Eastern Star around the live of five Biblical women. The were Adah for her fidelity, Ruth fore her constancy, Esther for her loyalty, Martha for her faith, and Electa for her love and charity. Each one of these stands for one the the tenants of the Order.
Q. Is the Order of the Eastern Star a religion?
A. No, the Order of the Eastern Star is not a religion, even though we are religious in character. It does not pretend to take the place of a religion, or serve as a substitute for the religious beliefs of its members. Our members do come from all denominations.
Q. What are the purposes and goals of the Order of the Eastern Star?
A. The Eastern Star is an organization where women and men with high moral and social character, can contribute their time, energy and wisdom to promote Charity, Truth and Loving kindness.
Q. How may I express a desire to join the Order of the Eastern Star?
A. If you are not familiar with anyone in a Chapter in your area, you may contact the Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter of Colorado, (244 S. QUebec, Denver CO 80231 303-759-5936) for the name, address and phone number of a Chapter in your area.
Q. What procedure should I follow when I have decided that I would like to join a chapter?
A. The Chapter you intend to join will provide you with a Petition, which you must fill out completely. It should be returned to the Chapter Secretary, as soon as possible, with the appropriate fees.
Q. What happens after I submit my petition?
A. Your petition will be submitted to an Investigation Committee composed of members of the Chapter you wish to join. Shortly thereafter the members of the Investigation Committee will contact you to set up a time and place for a meeting. This is done (1) To ask a few very simple questions, (2) To provide you an opportunity to meet some of the Chapter members, (3) To provide you an opportunity to ask and receive answers to any additional questions that you might have and (4) To verify your masonic affiliation. The information that the investigation Committee receives will be reported to the Worthy matron.
Q. What will be the next step
A. If all of the information is in order, the report of the investigation Committee will be submitted to the Chapter members at a stated meeting and a vote will be taken. If favorable, you will have been elected to receive the Degrees of the Order of the Eastern Star. The Secretary will notify you of the results of the election and arrange for you to be initiated into the Order.
Q. How long after the election will that be?
A. There is no greater joy for a chapter then initiating a new member, therefore, your initiation into the Order will be scheduled for the first possible date after you election.
Q. Just what is meant by a fraternal life?
A. The term fraternity or fraternal life implies a group or association of individuals with common interest and common goals. These goals include commitment to one another in charity, compassion and condemn. In short we become life a family. The Order of the Eastern Star providers its members with a framework by which they can channel their collective efforts and charitable purposes, not only to each other bit in their communities and nation.
Q. What does the Order of Eastern Star have to offer that other organizations do not?
A. Being a member of the Order of Eastern Star is a wonderful way of enhancing a fulfilling a way of life. Through fraternal service to humanity, we build a better life for all. Each of us has an inner need to do something for others and sometimes it is difficult to determine just how to begin. The Order of Eastern Star offers that opportunity and provides an outlet, as well as serving as a resource center and support group for charitable and benevolent acts.
Q. Is there any social involvement?
A. Yes, Each Chapter has numerous fun activities for all members, their families and fir ends.
Q. Is there any Fraternal friendship?
A. Both women and men join a Fraternal Order to make friends and enjoy the fellowship.
Q. Will I become a better person?
A. the Order of Eastern Star takes goo citizens and makes them even better. We continue to be central in the development of the American promise if human opportunity and personal fulfillment.
Q. Does the Order of Eastern Star give support to any affiliated youth groups?
A. Yes we proudly sponsor the young women who are members of Rainbow for Girls (ages 11-21) and Job's Daughters (ages 11-20). We commend the Masons for their interest in sponsoring DeMoley for boy (ages 13-21). the purpose of these Youth Groups is to train these fine you citizens to be leaders in the community and to be future members and leaders in the Order of Eastern Star and other Masonic Organizations.
Q. Does the Order of Eastern Star have any special projects?
A. Yes. The Order of Eastern Star raises millions of dollars annually within our membership for numerous projects to benefit all mankind. Our membership supports such projects as E.S.T.A.R.L. (Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership) Shriner's Hospitals for burned and crippled children, Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Cancer research, Heart, Arthritis, College or University scholarships awarded to students of any ethnic background or religious affiliation, affiliated youth-group scholarships, the Robert Russell Eastern Star Center for our senior members in Colorado, as well as many other local charities. The Order of Eastern Star is benevolent as charitable in its actions.
Q. Is the Order of Eastern Star a secret society?
A. No. Our meetings are published and our good works stand for all to see. We are easily found within the community. As members we do enjoy a distinctive means of identifying each other, and only our members are allowed to a closed meeting.
Q. Can I afford membership in the Order of Eastern Star?
A. Yes, Financial position is not considered in the Order. Our members come from all economic stations of life.
Q. Is my religious faith allowed in the Order of Eastern Star?
A. Yes. Members of all religions my belong to the Order of Eastern Star. We only require a belief in a Supreme Being.
Q. Is the Order of Eastern Star time consuming?
A. Your participation in the Order is limited only by your desire to attend and participate. You may attend as your time permits.
Q. Is there any memory work?
A. There is no mandatory memory work except the means of making yourself know if you wish to visit a chapter or if you become a officer. A short proficiency examination is strictly voluntary, but encouraged.
Q. Is the Order of Eastern Star patriotic and democratic?
A. Yes, Members are taught an allegiance to preserve the good order of their country. We strongly support the government of the United States of America.